Ecstatic Bodies: Archive of Performative Queer Bodies in Macedonia
Friday, May 5th from 7 pm: The traces of these bodies sometimes exist as ephemeras, as flashes, as shadows, or as faded lines of movement, as poorly and amateurish documentary photographs, as glitched videos, as poorly printed posters, as letters – notes on one-time and censored performances, and socializing; or embodied remembrance of sounds, touches, atmospheres, and sweaty bodies. Sometimes as (self) conscious and professional photo or video documentation of an artistic performance in its singularand transient performing, or as a collective cultural production of the queer community. Or as visual works of art preserved from museums, galleries or private art studios, which carry the history of creating performative effects in public spaces by opening the possibility of living, feeling and desiring differently, and of the prefiguration of other worlds.