Luljeta Muçaj

Reception for the Artist on Sunday, October 20th from 6 pm

What happens if it rains…?-HOPE

There is a famous movie, a musicle, “Singing in the rain…”, on 2007 declared as one of the most important masterpieces of artistic cinematography of the XX century in the US and what’s very interesting… this movie belongs to the transit period of 1920-s, more precisely the moment when Holiwood cinema was making a colosal quality step… moving away from soundless movies into the one with sound or more precise from silent movies into the ones with speech…  Its director Arthur Freed, exactly in this transition period experienced at that time the need to give life to songs of this musical project by sound, that were suffering in the drawers of silence… making as magical the iconic scene of the actor singing while dancing in the rain …

But what happens when it rains? – There is always an analogy that strangely brings together in time and space the suptility similar to this… brings me to painter Luljeta Rama Muçaj. There’s always a silent moment with the artist, a transit and then a word… an observance that goes uo in a bit… All this stays afloat and it is that exactly the moment between her and the white canvas, between somethingness and nothingness between the invisible and the shape, creator and the creature, between the prayer and the awaitning there is hope! There are internal moanings, unexpected lightnings of artistic character that announce the release of the rain as soils’ damper covered above with nameless paints till the first rain droplets come down full of weight and gifts of big events, lights and unseen colours earlier giving the spirit a big leap singing over the canvas!

The whole artistic action of Luljeta Muçaj, is a long awaited search as well as dynamic. Painting is like an inner search, a prayer received under the rain as a blessing and an answer… The whole journey of the author seems as a clasica way of a path of struggles of the artist and the stains on the paintings are streams of the artistic body and more… in all stations of life an iconic resemblance, its life, fear, doubt, motherland, identity, scream, cheers, hope… From the chromatic material mass that the artistic creation has it resembles the urgent need to find the third path in art, especially the one beyon the world war two… and as the wars are spiritual voids to be filled only from within and are damped from above in the long wait to the final destination, the vehicle for the journey is of HOPE brand. In both sides of the corridor of this journey, Luljeta Muçaj’s exhibit becomes a great building where from its tall walls you experience with the artist the journey together in the ark that promises a land for all… a land with love. With an abstract language, that she knows very well, she comes out from a clasical painter’s dress with intelectual whit that doesn’t speak words of broken meanings. Free and unlimited speech is the one of depth and sharp instinct, capable of transcending beyond the skinof materiality and the sensitivity that is born from it in the neatest wave of the feeling… Paintings of Luljeta Muçaj present what Marcel Duchamp was signing of in the 1920-s… the tractate of the Infrathin’s “to feel”, what’s within and here, as when firt droplets of rain brake loose on the dry soil, feeling the smell of the damp earth, gravity, vibrations of the surface, the body of the artistic creation itself. Taste of hope… Rain as the defining element, “artist as a drop of rain”, present methaforically the subject that carries the character side of the hope born from Luljeta’s work, that is used by the author as a transit element… the follower of the essence of life.

Then, in the paintings of Luljeta youll feel the fragrance, depth of her eye’s iris, the origin of her painting remains a sight into the horisons of hope…!

Curatorial narrative by

Fatmir Juka Painter, Arts Historian, curator New York, 2024

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