An Identity Towards Another

August 1-16, 2011
An Identity Towards Another”

Artists: Iksong JinKyoung-hwa Lee, Sung-soo Han, Sun-young Lee and Yun-taek Sa

Performance during the opening night: Wandering in New York by Choi, Min- Sol

Title of show” brings together a diverse group of Korean contemporary artists: Iksong Jin, Lee Kyoung Hwa, Han Sung Soo and Lee Sun Young, Taek-Yun, SA. Descending from a rich artistic heritage, most of them are showing their works for the first time in the United States. This exhibition is an opportunity to perceive the union of tradition and external influence gathered through sophisticated skills. The outcome is an innovative approach regarding major art categories such as landscape and themes derived from everyday life in various mediums such as painting, sculpture and installation.

Iksong Jin has been investigating the image of doors in various formats for the last two decades. He believes that the paths we take in life depend on which doors we choose to open or close. Jin is a Professor of Painting at the Fire Arts Department at Chungbuk National University in Cheongju, he has exhibited solo exhibitions at Space MOM Museum in Cheohgju (2010), Moosim Gallery, Cheohgju (2009), Washington Square Windows, New York (2006), UM Gallery, Seoul, (2003) among many others. Group exhibitions include: KEPCO PLAZA Gallery, Seoul,(2010), Bricks Hall, Nakasaky, Japan (2009), Deacheongho Museum, Cheongju (2008), Chungbuk National University Culture Centre, Cheongju (2007) to name a few.

Lee Kyoung Hwa has been preoccupied with landscape paintings for most of her career. While following the codes of traditional oriental painting, the artist brings a bold fusion of colors into the work. Lee Kyoung Hwa has graduated with an MFA in painting from the Cheongju University. Solo exhibitions include the Shin Art Museum, Cheongju (2010), Ming Art Gallery, Beijing, (2008), Danwon Art Museum, Iansan (2007) among others. Her work was included in the following group exhibitions: Gallery Violet, Seoul (2010), Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul, (2009), Shin Museum, Cheongju (2009), Korean Cultural Center Shanghai, Shanghai (2009) to name a few.

Han Sung Soo was born in 1979 and has received and MFA from Hongik Unveristy in Seoul and is currently a PhD candidate in painting at Hongik Univerisity in Seoul. His work has been influenced by abstract expressionism, and figures such as Francis Bacon and Willem de Kooning.  Sung Soo had solo exhibitions at the Insa Art Center, Seoul (2010), Lang Gallery, Seoul (2009), Hongik University Museum of Contemporary Art, Seoul (2009). Group exhibitions include Gallery the K, Seoul (2011), Sono Factory, Seoul (2010), Kwan Hoon Gallery, Seoul (2010),  Sejong Cultural Center, Seoul (2010),  Ansan Cultural Centre, Ansan (2009) Kyunginl Art Museum, Seoul (2008) among many others. Awards include Republic of Korea Festivak, Sosbel Art Exhibition Award and Chungbuk Art Exhibition Special Award.

Lee Sun Young is a painter and installation artist. She is interested in creating a narrative that evolves around memory utilizing materials such as wool, sound and digital prints. Sun Young holds an MFA from the School of Art at Chung-buk National University and had solo exhibitions at the Moosim Gallery in Cheong-ju in 2010 and 2009. Group exhibitions include the Shin Museum and Cheong-ju National Museum in Cheong-ju (2010), the Danwon Museum, Ahnsan, (2009), Chosun Gallery, Seoul (2009) Brera Art Center, Milano, Itally (2008) to name a few.

Sa, Yun Taek has graduated with an MFA in Painting from the Chung Ang University in Seoul Korea. Solo exhibitions include A Gap a second, Space MoM Museum of Art, Cheongju, Momentary Play, Art factory, Heyri Art Village, Gyeongi Culture Foundation, A Monotonous Epic, Shin Museum of Art, Cheongju, Image Imageeee…. Chosun Art Gallery, Seoul. Group exhibitions include Pity on Utopia, Art Space Loo, Seoul
Three point View, Open space, Busan, Narrative of Landscape, Dacheongho Museum of Art, Cheongwon-gun.

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