Off The Wall

Gallery MC is pleased to announce the upcoming show “Off The Wall”.

The monochromatic reliefs in the show hang, sit or lean off the wall and range from the utopian geometric abstractions of Predrag Dimitrijevic to the figural objects in various stages of being made by Aga Ousseinov.

While both these artists are influenced by the mid 20th century’s love of the machines and manufactured form in itself, Dimitrijevic’s sculptures and drawings are a dizzying debate between curve and line, center and edge. In his works the viewer’s gaze spirals towards the center with a peripheral grasp of edges and boundaries.

These pieces tooled by an invisible hand and a precise mind suggest a machine or math that somehow takes into account the asymmetry of the world. Ousseinov’s machine objects are less perfect in their prophecy. His fossilized apparatuses harken to a lost past impression of the future and sit as prototypical futurist gadgets half formed half stripped.

Gorazd Poposki and Gerald Abbott both are showing works referring to a removed and distant space or event. Poposki’s marble tablets with minutely carved waves lean against the the wall waiting to be installed as matter or catalogued as artifact, and bade the question by their permanence of material (stone) and the inevitability of their content (water). Abbott’s works, bandaged sailor caps hang on the wall stretched to body height as minimal and mummified representations of martial vulnerability. What all these artists share is a love of material for its own sake.


Thursday, June 14 th
From 6 -9

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