Hajrush Iseni

Graphic Prints

Hajrush Iseni belongs to the first generation of students that graduated in the field of Graphics at the Faculty of Arts in Tetovo. This occasion was an impulse and a good example for the surroundings and at the same time a signal for other talents to continue this way, the way that started by Hajrush Iseni, finished the studies in Graphics at faculty of Arts in Prishtina. This was a long way full of difficulties and sacrifices from that time for the studies of graphics in the circumstances of very unclear future and perspective in this field of Art. But, his persistence and great will to continue with the further developments of this field in art, made him finish the post graduate studies in 2001, too, in University of Prishtina and earned the title M.A in Graphics. Mr. Hajrush Iseni devoted his successful experiences in composition to education of young generation and on creating young generations of artists that would put this high in these regions. So, immediately after the M.A studies he was admitted as an assistant in the field of Graphics at the faculty of Art in Tetovo.

The graphics of Hajrush Iseni is clear, modern, with images that surround the area and catch the eye with imaginative element, intergraded in a modern concept. Also, the theme is native with conceptual forms built in the graphics leaf. The figures are fabricated with impressive forms intertwined with the area in which they are composed.

In the attempt to present the spiritual, as well as the artistic world in graphics, Hajrush chooses aquatint technique, plate writing and dry pin, which he uses masterly. The texture is also an integral part of the context of the object and subject, usually composed between the graph lists. This is better illustrated from the Graphics as “Porta II”, The Death of the Horse”, The Chimney”, which at the same time bring high the maturity level of the artist. The simplicity and notional association in the contemporary graphics are shown considerably and this is especially expressed in graphics lists of Hajrush Iseni, as in “Triangle” and “Porta”. They have a synthesized graphic language and at the same time express poetry without any emphasized disturbance, but bringing clear messages.

In order to achieve a concrete closeness with the subject, he uses the color that gives more quality formation to the whole composition. From the colors most present are: the yellow, the red and the blue, as more compatible with an idea-artistic reality.

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