Brass & Wind: Music by Women, feat. Vent Nouveau & LtL
We are thrilled to announce that the 3rd Listening to Ladies concert will happen thanks to the generosity and enthusiasm of brass and wind collective Vent Nouveau.
It will take place Saturday April 1st at 6:00 pm at Gallery MC in Manhattan, will boast FREE ENTRANCE (donations welcome) and will feature works by 10 women-identifying composers. The program was chosen through a blind call-for-scores that received over 200 works from 143 composers. It will include works by:
Gila Carcas
Akshaya Tucker
Makiah Heinzmann
Rona Park
Germa Adan
Elizabeth Lain
Nadin Polyakova de Zuniga
Jessica DiMari
Kirsten Johnson
Annie Pasqua
PLEASE NOTE: This is the same weekend that the fantastic Women Composers Festival of Hartford is occurring and Elisabeth will be attending both. If you want to carpool or otherwise join together so we can make sure we attend both, please get in touch: