Jovan Sumkovski, Stanko Pavleski & Tome Adzievski

Jovan Sumkovski, Stanko Pavleski & Tome Adzievski: A Car Window

Tome Adzievski

Asylum-Asylum ( five years later)- Granpa Ilia’s birthday

The aim of the author is to exhibit the project “Asylum-Asylum” which was established in 2002 on five year intervals, each inspired by the new contents in the author’s close family.

Stanko Pavleski

Thomas Harlan Theatre- September 10th 1901: Warhol Towers calendar

Instead of an introduction, a graffiti from Skopje: Fuck studying- study fucking!  Within my eye’s reach, the gray-haired gentleman who was finishing his letter was exclaiming the written incessantly, until in a state of hypnosis, and unbelievably, that Wittgenstein’s along too: ” What we cannot speak about we must pass over in silence.” What does this have to do with me, apart from the stage? And you?

Jovan Sumkovski

New York in Skopje. A Skopje citizen in New York

The touring exhibition of photographs titled ” The Monuments of Contemporary Arts in Skopje.

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