MC Mondays Open Mic Series
Gallery MC and Milica Paranosic launch the MC Mondays Open Mic series Gallery MC, 549 West 52nd Street, 8th Floor (Between 10th and 11th Avenue)
$5 at the door, general seating

Gallery MC and composer/performing artist Milica Paranosic are proud to announce MC Mondays, an Open Mic series, a monthly performance event that will take place every last Monday of the month, 7-10PM.
The programming will be curated by Milica Paranosic.
The series will encourage interdisciplinary and collaborative work and is designed to offer artists an opportunity to showcase their work, garner feedback, and network with other artists and presenters in a supportive, informal setting. Featured will be works requiring minimal technical and production demand. Presentations of various duration in all stages of progress are encouraged as this series will not only highlight finished works but will also serve as a development laboratory.
$5 admission available at the door, general seating. Beer and wine will be available for purchase.
MC MONDAYS kicks off its 2011-2012 season on Monday, September 26th with three exciting presentations. This inaugural event will feature a preview of the performance piece “Skana, Goddesses and More” and will launch both the Composers Concordance new website and the Mrak Duo.
1. A sneak peak at “Skana, Goddesses and More,” a performance to take place the next evening at Galapagos Arts Space, Brooklyn.
Skana, Goddesses and More features original female performers with engaging presence to weave together a web of music, dance and theatricality that is wavering, ethereal, and poetic.
Composers Milica Paranosic and Muriel Louveau, Choreograher Emily Pope Blackman and visual artist Carmen Kordas share the same passion for foreign cultures, virtual territories and they celebrate synergistic languages drawing global and historical influences that span centuries and cross ethnic and spiritual divides.
Milica Paranosic ‘s show ” Goddess chronicles” features Milica’sintimate views and interpretations of Goddesses from Roman, Slavic, Ewe, Hindu, Brazilian and Egyptian mythologies, in collaboration with Visual Artist Carmen Kordas.
Muriel Louveau’ s performance “Skana and more” is an extended and theatrical show, with live vocals, music and dance. Muriel will perform songs of “Skana “, an album entirely produced in cyber space with american composer Charles B Kim, and other selected pieces. All are in foreign languages inspired by far-off lands, and coming from liturgical as well as poetic sources.
For this new version, Emily Pope Blackman joins Muriel to create dance works in response to her singing. Her solo will echo to the variable tones reflected in Louveau’s voice contrasting between strength and fragility, highlighting delicate rhythms as well as sustained fluidity.
“For more information and tickets, visit:”
2. Composers Concordance New Website Launch
COMPOSERS CONCORDANCE is a presenting organization for contemporary music primarily by living American composers striving to present music in innovative ways with a thematic emphasis. Directors Gene Pritsker and Dan Cooper along with newly appointed director Milica Paranosic curate the programs and lead the Composers Concordance Ensemble, which is the ensemble in residence at William Paterson University. In addition, Composers Concordance has created a new record label, Composers Concordance Records with distribution by Naxos. The company has planned a very exciting 2011-2012 season, a sample of which will be shown at this event.
3. Mrak Duo Launch
Composer/performer Milica Paranosic and flutist/actor/dancer Margaret Lancaster have joined forces to create the Mrak Duo. Both known for their interdisciplinary collaborations and bold artistic presence, they will present samples from their debut alliance The MockPop cycle including MC Mondays MC Mrak, Gimme Gimme Bad Boy and Do you think you can fly.
Contact: BRUKAProduction
281 West 119th Street, #5A, NYC 10026
For more information contact: Milica Paranosic at
BRUKAProduction© 2011