Melik Arsllani


(Impression of works of Melik Arsllani)

Melik Arsllani approaches his pictures without any prejudice, looking for the originality emotion which starting is far away in his childhood and which is spread on hardy to existence solicitudes of man to environment where the painter live and create. Following this subjective inclination or this empathy from an artist, the picture of Melik Arsllani interlocks one personal autobiography but also collective expressed through colors, sometimes grows dark and sometimes blossoms under the sky that the painter experiments with its works as with its own life.

The picture of Melik Arsllani forms, nuances, tones, contrasts, lines, but also the light and the dark-so everything that does the ontology of his picture, expressive tools artistic process are common with a great potentially chance to bring artistic value in aesthetically mature forms and professional.

If we take retrospective carefully a look to painter’s thematic and techniques, we can say that to him now notably at the final cycle there is happened an emotional explosion. Into the picture he realizes his idea with artistic tools which they crossed the inspiration groundsel and to the apprentice destination which is connected with a certain interiors and exteriors which means that now the picture is not “thinking” or is not conceived before technically, but used techniques and tools subservient to an imagination, an inspiration or one feeling and thinking artistic structure into the head of the author from which process is rising used techniques and tools.  Especially the final cycle of the pictures of Melik Arsllani, which refers t existential drama and solicitudes that brought the conflict of the previous years, reveal two views more or less contrastive, which testified today’s artistic matures condition of Melik.

All in all, especially in this pictures group, Melik Arsllani attempts to show an independent as a theme, subject and as inspiration and as imagination-physiognomy which assures the originality of this work and with an individuality status of the painter. I consider this progress with pleasure, comparing with his exposition, in Prishtina on the occasion of master, years before, where it was noticeable a clear preferential influence, affected from schools elements indispensable for the progress of an academic painter.

This valuable self-esteem, which is a tendency at the same time for stylistic, Melik Arsllani’s pictures joins with an advance level of technique and with expression tools in general.

In conclusion, I will ascertain that the “adventure” of Melik Arsllani straight to the request of contemporary art, is developed to an organic manner and with stylistic individual tools, by virtue of two extreme progressive references, inside which created and developed his originative identity, where firstly he called interior and exterior which he join them with big creative works.

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