Ombres: Pietro Finelli & Martin Gimenez

OMBRES by Pietro Finelli and Martin Gimenez

Ombres, is the title for the new slide/video installation by artists Pietro Finelli and Martin Gimenez, curated by Gorazd Poposki. The word “ombres”,(shadows), refers to what is believed to be the “material” for photography, cinema and video art.

But this name also suggests the necessity for the “materia” to “disappear”, in order to possibilitate the “spiritual event” of art.

Pietro Finelli’s objet trouvé, is actually a set of black and white slides depicting volcanoes from southern Italy and found in the streets of Milano, submerged by chance in a deep red light.

Martin Gimenez ceremonial freeze video could only be seen from an impossible place: An Eternal Citadel.

The show will take place at Gallery MC, 549 West 52nd Street, in New York, from June 10th to June 30th.

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