The Cognitive Perception: Marko Manev, Mihaela Jovanovska and Teona Trajkovska

The Cognitive Perception
Artists: Marko Manev, Mihaela Jovanovska and Teona Trajkovska
Curator: Ana Frangovska


“Cognoscence” is an art project that refers to the perception as a way of perceiving the information from the outside/inner world and as well a cognition of those information into the map of the experiences, creating parabola between the racio and iracional. All the three artists address to the particular topic, defining it in different art meanings and concepts that together generate the one homogen project.
Marko Manev with his project entitled Absolute Black Body is using the idea and the term of Gustav Kirchhoff <
iki/Gustav_Kirchhoff> ’s  Black Body as an ideal physical body that absorbs and transmits equal energy on a constant temperature. Manev uses this idea as a main basis into his concept in which through 5 metal cubes he wants to visualize the exchange of the Heat, the Sound, the Vibration, the Electricity and the fifth body refers to the Nothingness or to the Absolute Everything. This installation created by the set of objects in symbiosis with the contextualization deals with the aspect of the potentiality in a multilayered sense and it directly extensities the belief in the abilities of each individual separately from the mass.
Mihaela Jovanovska created the installation Hanging Traces, Corded Feelings in which she works with the issues of the cognoscente seen through different phases of life, its common cognition, the traces we leave everywhere we do some action, with the cords, nodes and interferences of the codes, experiences, inherited and acknowledged information and practices we use. Jovanovska constructed a multimedia discourse of the movement of the swing, that has in itself all the elements of the history, memory, actions, perceptions and processions of the received information, marks of the existence and of a particular moments… reflexion… mosaic of the survived feelings.
Teona Trajkovska thought her concept named according to Jim Morison’s quote There are things known and there are thing unknown and in between there are the doors , focuses to the aspect of  crossing through, beginning with the very action of crossing and choosing the right media for doing that, than continuing with the transfer from one stage into another, from one experience into another and at end becoming more cognitive by perceiving more information.  The conceptual game with the size of the door and the offered keys are a part of the visual impact of the idea and they literally legitimate the state of the poetic aesthetics of the assigned artist.
Every ones perception is different, every ones awareness of the perceived is other, every ones experience is one of a kind. Cognoscente is just a range of what one can know or understand, so in this art project try cognitively to collect the given set of information, but again in a very individual way, interacting the work itself.

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